MaxiRoll is the new generation of rollers from DAL-BO. MaxiRoll is a heavy duty build of roller, which by using many of the available options can be used in a number of applications. In addition to traditional rolling tasks after drilling, the MaxiRoll, when fitted with a hydraulic cracker board, is the perfect implement for preparing a seed bed and other soil levelling applications, thus making the MaxiRoll a very versatile machine MaxiRoll 10.30 and 12.30 consist of 5 sections, and equipped with hydraulic suspension and can follow the ground contours perfectly. Even with this wide working width, optimum soil contact is achieved over the full working width. MaxiRoll can be fitted with a hydraulic cracker board or harrow.
SNOWFLAKE Rings - 6 Year Guarantee
DuoFlex System
Hydraulic Weight Distribution
Hydraulic Crackerboard Option
A hydraulic weight distribution system is standard equipment on all MaxiRolls. Two heavy rams transfer weight to the side sections achieving a 100 % even soil pressure.