Thank you for taking the time to visit our website, I greatly appreciate your interest.
We, like so many of our customers are a proper family business. It has been fantastic for me to have had over the last year, with all the excitement of our move, both the support of my father and the endless enthusiasm of the next generation. This is surely the great strength of a family business, maturity and experience with calmness and wisdom coming from the older generation, fused with enthusiasm, vision and drive coming from the younger generation. It is a great privelidge to run a business such as ours, and I am delighted to have overseen the move to Daisymount with both the previous and next generations at my side.
Thank you also to all the customers, old and new that continue to support us. We trust you will find us honourable and true in all we do. My grandfather told me when I started work in 1986 that "I would be judged, not on how much I sold, but on how I solve the problems!" If you have any concerns, problems or complaints, I will do as I was told, and treat them as a priority. I am usually to be found behind my desk, and I will be delighted to speak to you.
Many thanks,
Philip Halse
Office Team
Area Salesmen
Dorset, Wiltshire & Hampshire
E-mail: ian@halse.co.uk
Tel: 01404 42121
|Mobile: 07970 949339
North Devon & West Somerset
E-mail: dennis@halse.co.uk
Tel: 01404 42121
|Mobile: 07891 883349
Somerset & Wiltshire
E-mail: david@halse.co.uk
Tel: 01404 42121
|Mobile: 07498 047818
Workshop Foreman
E-mail: service@halse.co.uk
Tel: 01404 42121
|Mobile: 07834 656213