Levelflex is a modern front packer and ideal for excellent seed bed preparation. In developing this implement it has been important to mount the front packer as close as possible to the tractor, this mini- mizes the required lifting force and keeps stresses on the tractor and front linkage to a minimum.
The front mounting and improved geometry actually means that the implement is being ‘pulled’ forwards, making it easier to steer.
The combination of 80cm and 90cm dia rings is becoming more popular. The larger 90cm rings pack tighter the soil between the tractor wheels, whilst the 80cm rings press the soil either side. This has proven to give a better sowing capacity and more even wear on the sowing combination.
On the hydraulic folding 4m and 6m Levelflex models the hydraulic folding wing sections fold neatly to give a transport width of only 2.9m. The hydraulic folding models are fitted with an automatic mechanical locking device for transport.
Levelflex is built with a newly designed headstock which allows more flexibility when mounting to larger tractors. In addition to this Levelflex is now mounted with strong cleaning chains that run between the rings ensuring better cleaning.
Levelflex can also be mounted with 2 rows of h/d harrow tines. The tines are hydraulically adjusted from the tractor cab and are ideal to use direct onto ploughed land. The tines cultivate the soil before the packer levels and consolidates prior to sowing.